Monday 1 August 2011


I admit, I'm not exactly the Brian Sewell of TV critics. For a start I'm not actually a TV critic in any sense other than being the self appointed TV critic of my own blog, for my own pleasure (and for the pleasure of those lovely few that choose to read). There is some stuff on TV that is so bad it annoys me, but that's mainly when it is unintelligent, or a concept crowbarred out of a play-on-words title. The rest of the time I'm quite tolerant, because I do believe in TV as a medium that can both educate and entertain, and I think there's merit in both. As a person who watches Neighbours avidly, cries most weeks during Glee, and dissects the detail of Eastenders' more prolific cardigan-wearers, I really can't assume that anyone is too fussed for my actual opinion, nor can I assert that my opinion means a single thing. However, here I am, opining regardless, for whatever it's worth. 

So this week, a programme which I do actually think is really good. (So says the girl who likes Neighbours, but stick with me...). Sirens. A programme about a group of people who work for the emergency services... ambulance men, police officers on the beat, and firemen. The nee nors as I like to call them. It is NOT - as my housemate's boyfriend thought - a dodgy chick flick from the 90s starring Hugh Grant and Elle McPherson. Be grateful for that. What it is (in my esteemed opinion) is British dramedy at its best. The characters are likeable. In fact in the case of Kayvan Novak (aka Phonejacker/Facejacker) they are VERY likeable. Cue me and my housemate swooning, nay gurgling with excitement and lust every time he appears on screen. He's big, he's sexy, and in an early episode he was seen wearing nothing but a colander on his wang. If that's not quality programming, I don't know what is. 

My most over used word right now is 'appealing' and that's exactly what Sirens is. The characters feel very real. The kind of people I would be friends with. The kind of people I am friends with, actually. Flawed, yes. Insecure, definitely. Appealing?! Absolutely. Tonight is the sixth and final episode in the series, and even though I'm sad that this new love affair will be over almost before it's begun, I can let it go for the sake of the enjoyment I've derived from watching it (colander-wang aside). As an avid and dedicated fan of ER over the years, I'm delighted that Britain is finally making a medical dramedy with legs. It's nothing like ER, except that it's good, and that's good enough for me. Because as well as being funny, it managed to be thought-provoking and moving in it's own way as well. Not an easy balance to strike. 

Speaking of balance, I shall take a brief moment to talk about myself, as I've been tending to do over the past few weeks. Balance is something I'm struggling with right now. Forget work/life balance - at the moment both of those things are totally off kilter. Work is bad, and in my personal life the imminent upheaval of moving house without knowing where to go is hanging over me like a shadow. But what am I gonna do? Kill myself? Well no. I'm gonna do what I do most days. Have three cups of tea. Read the Daily Mail online, and google 'Kayvan Novak topless'. Yes yes yes, I remember what I said last week about there being more for me. I still think it, and alongside the aforementioned habits that get me through the day, I am also trying to break new ground. Case in point: on Saturday night I met a boy, and instead of being completely backward I told him I'm brilliant, and I meant it, and he laughed, and he asked for my phone number, and we're going out. Then? Today I told my boss I don't know if I want to stay here, but that it's my decision to make. Oooh look at me coming over all Emmeline Pankhurst. I can't imagine that they'll erect a statue in my honour, but if she can inspire me then so be it. After all, it was she that created an organisation dedicated to "deeds, not words". OK, I know - what you're reading now are words, but the deeds are following. In fact the deeds are concurrent. Words AND deeds people, words and deeds. The deeds will be done. Yes indeed. 

1 comment:

  1. I keep seeing adverts for Sirens but have yet to catch it. I shall have a watch next time I'm channel hopping. Or more likely, find it on tinternet.

    Re: impending date. Good luck. Sometimes the best way to make an impression is just to make someone laugh. The rest is done for ya, as you have so nicely proved.

    Liking the format. Little bit of TV, little bit about you. Nice.
